Some drawings I did for Green Impact week in the department where I'm doing my PhD, encouraging people to cycle more. The drawings were displayed by being attached to various parts of a bike!
I found this old drawing which I did last winter. In fact it was the first drawing I did experimenting with my current 'style'. Its the beginning of a story. If anyone can suggest a decent plot I'll draw the rest!
So these drawings haven't turned out as aesthetically pleasing as some of my simpler efforts, but they are on a topic endlessly fascinating to me: the baffling and often hilarious differences between American English (AmE) and British English (BrE).
For an amazing and intelligent (with a good dose of funny) blog on this topic, by a proper linguist, check out 'Separated by a Common Language'.
Some of the wonderful shop signs I spotted on my recent trip to Kenya. I just loved the epic character of some of the linguistic choices juxtaposed with the actual shops being advertised. Friends have spotted such gems as 'Vote for Jesus Wigs and Cosmetics' and 'By His Grace Fast Food' in West Africa.